Lovelock Correctional Center- Correctional Officers say inmate O.J. Simpson has become convinced that the main character from the television series American Crime Story: The Trial of OJ Simpson is guilty after he spent the last few days watching all 10 episodes in rapid succession.
“He was totally hooked on it. As soon as he finished the DVDs the producers sent him he just turned to me and was like, ‘can you believe that guy got away with this shit?’” Said guard Jerome Savoy.
“His only real criticism was too much foreshadowing of what would happen to the Kardashian sisters,” he added.
Sources say O.J. and members of the Aryan Brothers spent hours debating Johnnie Cochrane’s race-based defence strategy. Eventually both sides agreed that it was a pioneering strategy and if they had had better lawyers they might not be in jail for so long.
A member of the Latin Kings was placed in solitary confinement after a debate with O.J. over Sarah Paulson’s performance being too wooden to earn a Golden Globe nomination led to a plot to stab Simpson in the shower.
“I don’t know what is about this series that just grabbed me so much,” said Juice. “I’ve never really been into true crime before – I thought Making a Murderer was okay I guess. But this series, wow, just mind blowing.”
“I’ve heard there is a book about the same subject called ‘If I Did It.’ I’m definitely going to be reading that.”