After crossing the Canada Border on their return trip from the state dinner at the White House, sources confirm that Justin and Sophie Trudeau successfully transported a bag of tangerines past Customs.
“I honestly wasn’t sure we were going to make it,” a visibly relieved Mr. Trudeau told reporters yesterday, referring to the 2 lb. bag of Florida tangerines placed under the front passenger seat of the family’s car.
“We’d picked up the tangerines to eat on the way, and it didn’t even occur to me we weren’t allowed to cross the border with them until we were almost at customs.”
The tension reached a peak at the moment just after the Prime Minister handed Border Services officer Tim Whitright his family’s passports.
“He was asking me if I had anything to declare, and right after I said no, [two-year-old] Hadrien picked just that moment to start peeling one of the tangerines. I figured we were busted right there.”
“Then, I guess they would have like, seized the tangerines or charged me a duty or something?”
At press time, the Trudeaus were happy they’d remembered to remove the price tags from some impulse purchases they’d picked up at a factory outlet in Buffalo.