TORONTO — A Markham man was awarded $14,000 by the Ontario Human Rights Commission and forced his co-workers to apologize after he was “politely proselytized” at his workplace whenever he sneezed.
Citing several incidents spanning over three years, atheist Michael Banner has documented over 48 times colleagues have pressed him to convert by saying “bless you” or “gesundheit” immediately after one or more of his involuntary sternutations.
“I feel vindicated by the Commission’s remedy,” said Banner, an employee of HyperRay Technologies Inc. “For years, I was at wrath of [co-worker] Diane’s belief that I should be anointed by some deity every time I feel a tickle in my nose. I was literally afraid to sneeze.”
Banner also reported that he felt pressured by colleagues into accepting a white, lightweight piece of paper and forced to ritualistically wipe his nose.
The Human Rights Commission reminded the public that the proper response for whenever a sneeze occurs is “thank you for not getting any mucous on me”.