OTTAWA – In the spirit of the season, Prime Minister Trudeau has received a gift basket from the CBC filled with shortbread cookies, dried fruits, and a beautifully hand-carved donation box.
“Whoa, not sure how that got in there,” said CBC president Hubert Lacroix. “Looks like somebody’s losing their job.”
“Because of the huge budget cuts, I mean, not because of the mistake.”
Lacroix denies that the box, engraved with “Support Canadian broadcasting, please, oh God, it’s desperate” was meant for the Prime Minister’s basket, arguing that the CBC would never be so brazen as to send him such a gift, with slots for cash, coins, cashier’s cheques, and grocery store coupons.
“Our only goal was to wish Mr. Trudeau Happy Holidays,” continued Lacroix. “Which we know he will have, because of the wonderful holiday programming offered by a robust federal broadcasting corporation.”
Trudeau, who has also received gift baskets from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and school boards nationwide, has not been bothered by the supposed slip-up. “These things happen,” said Trudeau, halfway through one of Mrs. Lacroix’s famous blueberry scones. “I was ready to write a big cheque until Mr. Lacroix made it clear it was a mistake. It’s okay, I’ll just the give the box to my children to keep their markers in.”
At press time, the CBC Board of Directors had assembled in Dave’s basement to discuss plans moving into 2016.