KELOWNA – After years of overspending and struggling to maintain a budget, local man Miles Kirkpatrick has decided to buckle down and get serious about things by buying Dollars and Sense: Keys to a $ecure Financial Future by Cathy Prudence, retail price $32.99.
“I’m so sick of never having any money in my account and always being behind on bills,” said Kirkpatrick after checking out. “I think the real key is going to be to stop making impulse purchases without really thinking about them.”
“I hope this book teaches me how to stop spending money on things I could just get for free,” he added as he scanned the text, an amalgamation of blog posts Prudence posted on her website over the last two years.
Dollars and Sense contains 15 chapters on proper budgeting. Sections include tips on illegally downloading movies and tv shows, a missive on the wonders of leftovers, and a step by step guide to eating off of other people’s plates at a restaurant without them noticing.
“Readers of my book will be astonished by some of the information inside, such as how cutting out their morning Starbucks could save $25,000.00 over the course of their life,” said Prudence from her Malibu home. “Of course, now that my book is on the bestseller list, I never need to worry about budgeting ever again.”
At press time, Kirkpatrick was planning on buying a gluten free cupcake to aid in his weight loss attempts.