OTTAWA — Taking responsibility for long wait times to vote, Elections Canada has offered all advanced voters complimentary ballots in addition to the one they’ve already cast.
“We apologize for any inconvenience we’ve caused,” said Aiden Vanier, Chief Returning Officer of Kanata-Carleton. “We value good customer service, and to show that we appreciate our voters, we’ve waived our one person, one vote policy and offered as many ballots as they think they need.”
This made many of those in line, particularly strategic voters, pleased.
“I wanted to vote Green, but I didn’t want to split the vote,” said Kaili Contras who was waiting in line for 90 minutes. “So I gave some to the Liberals and some to the Greens. I even gave one to the Communist candidate.”
In a separate incident at a Regina polling station, Elections Canada was so sorry that they offered citizens entire ballot boxes to fill.
According to sources, the governments of Syria, China, Bahrian, North Korea, Congo, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Zimbabwe and Cuba were condemning the long wait times some Canadians had to endure to participate in democracy.