OTTAWA – After a Supreme Court ruling that will permit doctor-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients, Stephen Harper has agreed and will first start with the Supreme Court justices.
“The Court has long endured the torment of chronically overturning legislation and judicial appointments,” said Stephen Harper in the House of Commons. “It has already been through so much with this government; internet privacy, refugee health care, Senate reform, mandatory minimum sentences, medical marijuana use and supervised injection sites. These nine justices simply can’t stand the pain of overturning my constitutionally invalid legislation.”
The Prime Minister also cited how the justices are old, fragile and confined to a bench for most of the day.
“It’s time for this government to demonstrate compassion for our judicial branch and put them out of their misery,” Harper added.
Due to current health care wait times, the Supreme Court justices are not expected to be euthanized until two years from now.