TORONTO — Following an alleged dispute over the weekend at Art Basel in which Diddy punched Drake in the face, Drake has begun rallying his Forest Hill crew in anticipation of a massive retaliation against Diddy.
“Drizzy was furious,” reported friend Sam Liebowitz. “The last time I saw a look that crazy in his eyes, we ended up egging like 4 houses.”
Drake returned to the wealthy Toronto neighbourhood on Monday, telling the members of his crew that they were going to “fuck shit up,” as soon as they “found someone whose parents were willing to let them borrow the car.”
As of Tuesday evening, Drake had gathered 7 of his closest Forest Hill “bros,” although 3 had to back out at the last minute in order to attend bar mitzvahs. However, attempts at immediate retaliation were delayed by a trip to the Chipotle on York and Front, as several crew members said they wanted some of those spicy tortilla chips before they unleashed vengeance.
Eventually Drake, tired from the long drive around town, took his mother’s advice to just “send a strongly worded letter” and then “come have dinner.”
At press time Drake was having a nap on a beanbag chair in his parents’ home theatre after falling asleep halfway through Toy Story 2.