MISSISSAUGA – Long time Mayor of Mississauga Hazel McCallion has recently announced that, after 30 years of sitting the mayoral seat, she’s ready to hang up her sash. According to Mccallion, the decision was brought on by the fact that Peachtree TV is holding a three day marathon of The Golden Girls.
“Personally, I could probably keep the job for another few years.” McCallion said in a recent interview. “But I’m not sure how many more opportunities I will have to see Blanche make a double entendre that Rose doesn’t understand.”
“I just want to thank all my constituents for being a friend. You have all really traveled down the road and back again,” she added.
McCallion’s announcement has been met with mixed reactions. “It’s hard to imagine anyone running this city instead of McCallion.” says Mississauga resident Emily Worthcut. “She was like a Sofia to all of us.”
McCallions other plans for retirement include taking a nap, working on her scrapbook, and really exploring her sexuality.