TORONTO – After alleging that a youth home helping children cope with autism was “ruining the neighbourhood” City Councillor Doug Ford took full responsibility for his comments today, by blaming them entirely on his brother’s well documented struggle with alcohol.
“When my brother drinks he is compelled to smoke crack cocaine,” said Ford. “By comparable logic, when my brother drinks I feel compelled to insult children dealing with a severe medical condition.”
Ford when on to specify that the specific group he insults is dependent on what type of alcohol Rob is abusing. When when Rob drinks vodka, he insults kids with autism. But if Rob is having beer, Doug’s ire will turn more towards those with ADHD. Naturally Rob drinking tequila forces Doug to call kids with cerebral palsy “spastics.”
Asked how there could be a connection between his brother drinking too much and him acting cruelly to some of society’s most vulnerable members, Ford shrugged and stated,
“I don’t know. Why is there a connection between Rob drinking and then somehow needing to consume an incredibly addictive and illegal drug in a room full of gangsters and murderers? But we all seem to have accepted that is plausible.”