CALGARY – After years of congested roads and frustrated drivers, the City of Calgary announced that it will be tearing down most of the city’s core and paving a 6,000 lane highway for a faster and roomier commute.
The city made the decision to tear down 56 major downtown buildings including the Bow skyscraper to make way for the Mother Nature Memorial Highway. The decision came after citizens demanded the city ease traffic volume and construct more lanes to accommodate the city’s growing number of large, luxury SUVs, trucks and RVs.
“Finally, I will get to work in time to have a parking spot where I used to work!” said Calgary resident Tim Ashbury. “I’ve shaved off 5 minutes of my commute. I’m really happy that now, wherever I go, I get there quickly in my car.“
Despite the city’s best efforts to encourage public transit use, many citizens rejected the idea saying that they didn’t want to share a vehicle with complete strangers or make awkward eye contact with one another.
“I still support public transit, but that’s for the public, not me” Ashbury added.