WATERLOO, ON – After a six month “dry spell” Blackberry president Thorstein Heins announced today that the company had finally closed a sale.
“It was looking pretty grim there for awhile. Nobody seemed to want our products at all but, luckily, we finally managed to sell a Blackberry,” said Heins while checking his Androud. “I can’t wait to tell the shareholders!”
The slightly-used Blackberry was purchased on Kijiji by Fairfax Financial Holdings after Heins discovered it in the trashbin at the NASDAQ. The warranty had expired.
“Well you couldn’t beat the price even if the technology is a little outdated,” said Fairfax CFO David Bonham. “My 14 year-old is always on his MacBook so maybe he can get it working again.”
At press time, Fairfax had completely submerged the Waterloo company in rice after it was accidentally flushed down the toilet.