TORONTO – Despite wanting to attend the engagement party of best friend Sophie Lahiri, local woman Tiffany Dale is busier than anyone else she knows and is completely unable to make the time.
“Sophie knew that Saturdays were bad for me when she sent out the invitation five months ago.” Said Dale, who lives off of her parents money and aspires to become famous for her YouTube makeup application tutorials. “It’s club night, and when else am I supposed to sleep in and catch up on my Real Housewives shows?”
Claiming to have scheduled the event at a time that was most convenient for the other 80 people attending, Lahiri maintains that she feels no ill will toward her friend.
“Yes, I acted as Tiffany’s maid of honour the same spring when I was studying for the bar exam and my mom had just been diagnosed with stage two breast cancer,” Lahiri said. “Still, it is not for me to judge the stresses of other people’s lives.”
Asked if she planned to send an engagement gift for Ms. Lahiri her absence, Dale replied that, since she would not be able to enjoy the open bar or the oyster buffet, it would be awfully self-centred of Sophie to expect a present from her.
“Sophie really shouldn’t take this personally,” said Dale’s husband when asked for comment. “Tiffany was also too busy to show up for the conception of our first child.”