LOS ANGELES, CA – Inspired by the famous holographic projections of deceased artists like 2Pac Shakur and Biggie Smalls, Columbia Records executives have announced an upcoming Bob Dylan concert tour that will feature the folk legend performing alongside a hologram of himself from back in the days when he would actually give a shit about putting on a good show for his fans.
“After Mr. Dylan performs a set in which he’ll probably leave halfway through out of boredom, audiences will be treated to a 2 hour projection of him from 1971 singing many of the songs people know and love, from a time when he would at least act like he wanted to be there,” said producer Larry Singleton.
This breakthrough concert series will be based off genuine concert footage remastered and projected on an angled surface to give the illusion of a three dimensional Bob Dylan that looks and sounds like it doesn’t hate the audience for loving the original version of his songs, and not the remastered country/electronic version he wrote 10 minutes before the show started.
“For the first time in well over 20 years, people will be able walk away from a Bob Dylan concert feeling like they saw the legendary Bob Dylan perform,” explained Singleton.
This announcement has spurned other holographic concert series including a version of the Rolling Stones where the band members’ faces don’t give people nightmares, a U2 concert where Bono doesn’t speak a word, and a Paul McCartney show featuring the original, non-robot Paul McCartney.