SHENZEN, CHINA – After noticing behavioural malfunctions, a Vancouver family has sent back its father/husband unit, Lee Xiu, for repairs to a manufacturing plant in Shenzen, China.
“Lee worked really well when he first came to Canada, which is why I married him and had children with him,” said his wife, Deborah Xiu. “But, after a few years in this country, I saw that regular wear-and-tear of Canadian life affected his work ethic, and Lee’s behaviour started to deteriorate.”
Mrs. Xiu also commented on her husband’s increasingly poor dietary habits, tendency to watch TV for many hours at a time, diminished interest in his young kids’ career planning, and general lack of focus or ambition.
“I’m worried that [Mr. Xiu]’s becoming too Canadian,” Mrs. Xiu added. “I hope the warranty hasn’t expired and they can fix him, or at least give me a refurbished unit. I picked a husband made in China because they’ve got a way better track record than North American husbands.”