EDMONTON – In response to an industry-wide glut caused by an inability to get its oil to Pacific tankers, the Notley government has decreed that every Albertan travelling to the West Coast …
Tag: Rachel Notley
Rachel Notley eats raw bitumen to show the world it’s safe
EDMONTON – Fresh off the Trans Mountain pipeline nationalization announcement, a confident Alberta Premier has reassured the world that undiluted bitumen is completely safe by eating some o…
Leather-clad Alberta Marauders threaten to storm BC unless they approve pipeline within 24 hours
VICTORIA – A motley crew of Alberta pipeline crusaders is threatening a full scale war with British Columbia unless they promptly approve safe passage for their precious diluted bitumen. Th…
Notley to flood BC so pipelines reach Pacific
EDMONTON – Alberta Premier Rachel Notley has announced her proposal to sink the province of British Columbia to resolve the ongoing Trans Mountain Pipeline dispute with BC, and grant her pr…
BC – Alberta standoff has rest of country dangerously close to paying attention to west coast politics
CANADA – With increased tension between British Columbia and Alberta over the Trans Mountain pipeline, including threats of an oil embargo, the rest of the country is scared that they are o…
Alberta NDP fears massive cross-border spill of environmentalism from B.C. NDP
EDMONTON – Alberta premier Rachel Notley gave a press conference today in which she outlined her concerns about a massive spill of environmentalism from across the British Columbia border. …
Chris Alexander attacks Rachel Notley for role in Clinton Foundation, private server, 2002 vote in favour of Iraq War
EDMONTON – Speaking at a rally in Edmonton Sunday afternoon, former federal Immigration Minister and current Conservative party leadership hopeful Chris Alexander took aim at what he described as…
Rachel Notley caught in yet another scandal
Beleaguered Alberta premier Rachel Notley has been accused of even more misconduct. The Beaverton‘s Laura Cilevitz travelled to Calgary to speak with a number of outraged Albertans.…
Alberta’s NDP government to outlaw pickup trucks, steak in 2017
EDMONTON – Alberta Premier Rachel Notley announced today that her government has enacted new legislation to ban the use of pickup trucks within the province effective January 1, 2017, with …
‘Too bad it’s against the law to ball-gag Brian Jean,’ lament Albertans
EDMONTON – Many Albertans expressed disappointment that it would be a criminal offence to ball-gag Wildrose Leader Brian Jean for the rest of his life to avoid making violent, misogynist jo…