These everyday items found in your household could almost be a real holiday gift for friends and family! Mug – Photo by Alex Huntley Cookie Cutters- URL…
6 Healthy Recipes to Look at Before Ordering Pizza
Everyone knows the Holidays are brutal for eating healthy. But they don’t have to be! Here are 6 nutritious, filling, energizing recipes you can look at before you give up and order pizza y…
Which character from Friends would vote for Donald Trump?
For us 90s kids, Friends was the show that taught us how to live, laugh and love, as well as convinced us that only white people live in New York City. Though the show may be gone, the good times…
5 sexy joke Halloween costumes to spark an evening of ironic intercourse
Halloween. Pumpkins. Candy. Fun parties. And sex you as woman would otherwise feel shame for seeking out. Check out our Halloween guide below to make your perfect costume for trick-or-treating yo…
The 10 most dishonest lies Donald Trump said during this election campaign
The U.S. election campaign has been a roller-coaster of finger pointing, name calling, and anger on both sides. But one of the hardest things to keep track of are the ever-growing number of untru…
The 8 hottest MTL Blog staff who never consented to having their photo taken
Here are the Top 8 hotties of MTL Blog who did not consent to have these photos taken. URL URL http://depositphotos…
CNE snacks feature innovative ingredients, contempt for humanity
Every Summer, visitors flock to the Canadian National Exhibition to sample unique culinary creations and test the limits of their masochism. This year, The Ex has outdone itself once again, offer…