Back-up toque promoted to first string following loss of star toque - The Beaverton

Back-up toque promoted to first string following loss of star toque

MONTREAL — Formerly a fourth string benchwarmer in Steve’s winter hat roster, a plain black has been bumped up to starting player following the loss of a beloved red beanie.

The black toque entered rotation after the red toque was lost during a “gongshow” Christmas shopping trip through the many hellish floors of The Bay.

Although the grey toque was a crowd favourite, the black toque’s understated nature and grinder  attitude are already making it a valuable member of the winter lineup.

“We see this pattern play out almost every season,” explained winter accessories expert Martin Walsh. “As devastating as the loss of a star player is, it gives the back burner players a chance to show their mettle. We’ve seen so many great toques get their start in exactly this manner, Ted.”

Steve intends to start the toque for the rest of the season, or at least until his Aunt knits him a new one.