MONTREAL – Fortnite’s North American Championship finals came to an end Saturday night with fan favourite Corey Telline letting a victory slip away in the final round after being forced to lit his little brother play. Fifteen-year-old Telline, who goes by the in-game name AzzEatr69 had a 20 point lead on the field entering the third and final day of the tournament, but facing the threat of losing iPad privileges and no allowance for a month, was forced to let six-year-old Topher Telline play.
Corey watched his ranking plummet over the next 6 matches as the young Topher appeared to prioritize “building a big house” over longtime survival or scoring kills. While Corey averaged 9 eliminations per match throughout the tournament alongside regular top five finishes, Topher was able to land only one elimination during his parent-sanctioned computer time, achieved while simultaneously blowing himself up with a rocket launcher.
“You’re so bad you fucking noob!” shouted Corey while hitting his little brother with a large pillow before spending the next fifteen minutes trying to stop Topher’s crying and begging him not to tell their parents he swore. The entire ordeal was broadcast to thousands in attendance at Olympic Stadium, watching the game broadcast over the jumbotron.
“It’s nice seeing the boys spend time together, but they really need to learn to share,” said Mrs. Telline, mother of Corey and Topher. “Just, family is so important you know? That’s why I always tell them to just pause the game when it’s dinner time. They can play after we have a nice meal together.”
The tournament’s final results will serve as a blow to Corey’s global ranking, seeing his AzzEatr69 account plummet down the global leaderboards, after Topher’s tactic of laugh-to-himself-while-making-the-character-do-silly-dances proved to be ineffective. Ultimately, it’s likely that letting his little brother play may have cost Corey the championship and the 5 million dollar grand prize. Instead, he will be forced to settle for the $120,000 consolation for his 37th place finish, which his mom made him promise he’d put into his piggy bank to save for college.