Pro-vaccine conspiracy theorists demand measles inoculation be added to CIA’s chemtrail program - The Beaverton

Pro-vaccine conspiracy theorists demand measles inoculation be added to CIA’s chemtrail program

PORTLAND, OR – A group of concerned conspiracy theorists is demanding the US government add the measles vaccine to the CIA’s population control, experimentation, and chemical warfare chemtrail program.

“Recent outbreaks of a vaccine-preventable disease like measles is very concerning,” said Greg Taylor donning a ‘NASA LIES’ t-shirt. “There are some members of the conspiracy theory community who don’t believe in vaccination, and that perception has given us a bad name.

“And, while the government is responsible for creating many diseases inside secret labs, the government must also step up and protect the people.”

Taylor said that The Deep State can easily conspire with large pharmaceutical companies and the UN to develop an airborne vaccine alongside its atmospheric spraying of aluminum and barium, modification, and making people fertile/infertile.

“As we have said from the beginning, there is no link between the [Mumps Measles Rubella] vaccine and autism, unlike water fluoridation, which is very well known to control your mind,” said Jared Hinks, writer, producer, and host of 12 podcasts. “It’s frankly irresponsible to claim that the ‘chemicals’ in causes harm without completing any reliable research into the topic.”

After an animated eight hour discussion on the topic, the group splintered into two camps with each claiming the other group is part of a government conspiracy.