SAANICH, BC – A group of environmental do-gooders saved Green Party Leader and endangered species Elizabeth May who was found tangled in a web of six ring beer packs.
“My partner and I were doing our morning beach stroll when we saw this poor political leader tangled up in sea trash,” said Alice Ling who first spotted the majestic Green MP. “I immediately cut off the trash that was strangling her, while my partner kept pouring water on her while saying soothing facts about protecting biodiversity on the west coast keeping to keep her calm.
This happens too many times to our Parliamentarians.”
Biologists on the scene also discovered that May swallowed several one-use straws and a plastic bag during her annual migration back to her riding.
“There’s only one Green MP in the wild, so we have to do our part in protecting this species,” said biologist Marsha Hamilton.
After a quick check-up, May appeared to be happy, kicked up some sand and returned to greeting her constituents.
Meanwhile, Fisheries and Oceans Minister Dominic LeBlanc was leaping upstream somewhere in the Atlantic already late for a cabinet meeting.