9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years - The Beaverton

9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years

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9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years
Donald Trump

In 2017 dressing as Trump is satirical at best, tasteless at worst. In 2022 you're dressing as a the man who, two years previously irritated all of the Gulf of Mexico.

9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years
Tom Brady

In 2017 dressing as the New England Patriots quarterback is simply wish fulfillment for football fans. In 2022 you are mocking a CTE riddled man that can barely feed himself.

9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years
A Devil

Red foam horns and trident are a classic last minute, dollar store costume. After the devil is revealed to be real in the late twenty teens this costume becomes an offensive caricature.

9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years
Any Couples Costume

In the further everyone is polyamorous. A couple costume in 2022 will bring judgemental glances.

9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years

After the Northern Ontario revolution of 2018 dressing as a lumberjack will get you shot.

9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years
Ace Ventura

Not so much offensive as tacky and overplayed

9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years
The Punisher

Much like Uncle Tom some fictional characters do not age well. The glorification of a gun toting, mentally deranged man will look inconceivable to future generations.

9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years
A Hot Dog

After the world becomes vegan for health and environmental reasons hot dogs are a symbol of a barbaric past.

9 adorable Halloween outfits that will be offensive in 5 years
Mickey Mouse

In the year 2019 Walt Disney is awoken from his cryogenic state and takes Disney in a dark direction.

Ever had to censor a Throwback Thursday post because your parents decided to dress you as ‘Dreamcatcher Girl’ or ‘Generic Mexican’? Although it may seem like the days of offensive Halloween costumes are over, there are a few popular Halloween costumes that will have future generations cringing. Check out this gallery to see nine of them!


  •  ♥ 
  •  🍆 
  • LOL 
  • I do not know how I feel about this 
  • I just want to click a button 


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