Canadian Top Gun sequel centres around pilots waiting around for government to procure jets - The Beaverton

Canadian Top Gun sequel centres around pilots waiting around for government to procure jets

COLD LAKE, AB – Filmmakers have already started production of Canadian-themed sequel to the blockbuster hit , which is premised around two renegade pilots waiting for their aging to be replaced.

‘Dawdling Wings’ will feature nail-biting scenes of the RCAF’s very best sitting in briefing rooms checking their watches and asking when the new jets would arrive, a thrilling demonstration of aerospace paperwork, and Operations and Maintenance auditing from the Parliamentary Budget Office.

“This bold new film doesn’t actually feature any scenes of dogfighting,” explained Director Val Scott, “because the real action occurs deep inside the federal bureaucracy fighting with aerospace companies, and often with itself.”

Starring in the film are as Captain Mark ‘Slick’ Anderson, Patrick Huard as Captain Maurice ‘Caboche’ LaFleche, and Peter ‘Lady Killer’ Mackay as himself.