Sometimes it’s tough to know what’s going on with your friends but, thanks to this guide, you’ll never have to wonder if your best bud is donning the ermine-lined lilypad cloak and taking up the mantle of Toad King. These are the 5 most obvious signs.
1. He’s wearing a crown.
Like any king, the Toad King is always wearing a crown, so if your buddy starts wearing a crown non-stop he might just be the Toad King. Extra points if the crown has filigreed insects and is webbed.
2. Toads have started bowing to him on the street, while other amphibians remain indifferent.
You’d never seen a toad bow before, but now you see it every time you go out with your best friend. What gives? Well, there’s only two options: either your buddy saved the life of a Superior Toad (think The Master of Warts, or Chief Justice Bufo Cane) or Old King Croaker has passed on to the Celestial Pond and the royal mantle has somehow passed on to him.
3. He’s stopped eating regular flies, and started eating jewel-encrusted flies
He’s always eaten flies (it’s kind of his thing) but now the flies are starting to look mega-expensive and even less appetizing. The gems couldn’t add to the flavour, could they? That doesn’t make any sense. Then again, neither does your best buddy suddenly becoming the ruler of the entire friggin’ Toad Kingdom!
4. The sons of the last Toad King are trying to kill him
It happens every time: after the old Toad King dies the Deep One, in his wisdom, chooses the next Toad King. There’s no royal line of succession, never has been, but that doesn’t stop the old Toad King’s sons from trying to hunt down your oldest chum. So if you catch some amphibian-looking royalty trying to knock off your best bud, well, he just might be the new Toad King!
5. You’re getting a real “Toad King” vibe from him.
Look, I’m not going to lie to you, there’s a lot of science behind figuring out whether or not your pal is the Toad King. But, in the end, you’ve gotta trust your instincts.