TORONTO – A group of happy little buddies’ ears perked up earlier this week, as efforts were made to determine who among them was a good boy or girl. Upon discovery that they were in fact all good boys and girls, a flurry of tail-wagging erupted.
“Is it me? It’s me! Wait is it me? Oh it is me! Good!” exclaimed Buster, a spaniel mix.
“Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!” added retriever Laurelei, as she ran laps around the dog park.
The unanimous decision of goodness marked a joyous turnaround at the end of a harrowing Thursday. For several hours, all of the dogs had believed their owners had deserted them forever when they left for work that morning.
“I was so scared,” explained Sasha the boxer. “At first I was like ‘where are you going?’ and then I fell asleep, and then I woke up and I was like ‘I would like some water’ and then while having some water I was pretty sure I saw a squirrel so I barked for a good 15, and then I fell asleep and then I woke up and I was scared again, but I couldn’t remember why.”
Upon the sound of keys jingling outside the door, dogs across the board began happy-hind-leg dances as they realized walkies were forthcoming.
“For me, it is a sacred time of day,” waxed Werner the German Shepherd. “I like to do my part: oftentimes, I will grab my leash from its hook and run around the apartment, as if to say ‘I am helping! I am helping!’ until my human can catch me, wrestle the leash from my mighty jaws, and attach it to my collar.”
Added Werner, “It is a sensational game which captures in a microcosm the frailty of the relationship between animal and man.”
At press time, each pooch would be fully accepting of a good back scratch.