OTTAWA — The National Capital Commission has called in professional paranormal exterminators to deal with several poltergeists haunting the now-derelict official residence of the Prime Minister of Canada.
“Here we are; 24 Sussex Drive,” said Dr. Raymond Stantz as the Ghost Mobile pulled up past the gate manned by RCMP officers. “Previous tenants have reported sightings of several supernatural beings; the most notorious one has been known to raid the liquor cabinet and is known as ‘Johnny A.’”
Opening the creaky wooden door, the team of parapsychologists entered the dark premise which was littered in dust, cobwebs, cockroaches and old memorandums to cabinet.
“I’m surprised people managed to live here for years,” observed a surprised Dr. Peter Venkman. “They call this a national historic site? The roof is caving in and someone punched holes in the wall. What a shithole!”
While scanning for supernatural political energy, the kitchen ceiling of the 147 year-old mansion gave way sending asbestos fibres into the air.
“That was too close!” yelled Dr. Winston Zeddemore. “Why didn’t anyone bother to budget repairs to this place?”
“I’m detecting a lot of energy and political regret in the bedroom,” Dr. Egon Spengler reported as Stantz and Venkman ran up the uneven stairs to the second floor.
Kicking down the chamber door, they discovered a crying ghost yelling ‘Why?’ ‘Why?’ while staring at a photo of the Avro Arrow.
“It’s Dief-the-Chief!” exclaimed Stantz before Venkman blasted him with his proton pack.