KEREMOS, BC — A small town in the BC interior has been saved from the flames of a forest fire after dozens of firefighters changed the smoke’s direction by repeatedly saying ‘white rabbit’ and ‘I hate white rabbits’.
“Heavy winds were hampering our efforts and we considered evacuating the area,” said BC Wildfire Service Chief Kelsey Albrecht. “The smoke was getting in our eyes and noses. But after dealing with over 1,700 wildland fires this year in BC, we’ve learned a few tricks. So, I gave the call for platoons to line up on the fireline and start yelling ‘I hate white rabbits!’”
Pilots of firefighting helicopters and water bombers also joined in on their loudspeakers and megaphone uttering the same phrase.
After several tense minutes, the wind began blowing the smoke in the opposite direction and everyone enjoyed roasting their marshmallows.