CALGARY – Spectators at this year’s Calgary Stampede can now enjoy a variety of hot dogs, sausages and hamburgers made entirely from the horses who lost last year’s chuckwagon races.
“Many animal welfare critics have said that the death of these horses are a terrible waste during this event,” said Calgary Stampede organizer Tamara Lainey. “And we agree with them. That’s why the Stampede has decided not to waste these animals and instead make them into delicious food.”
Lainey said that terrified horses running for their lives for people’s entertainment makes the meat much more tender and juicier than regular beef patties and pork sausages.
Stampede goers can now enjoy a diverse cuisine of chuckwagon-related meat including ‘Northern Dancer Dogs’, ‘Seabiscuit Sausages’ and ‘Thoroughbred Burgers’.
“I have no idea what the Vancouver SPCA people are talking about,” said Stampede spectator Chuck Inglewood as he chowed down on a barbequed ‘Black Beauty.’
At press time, Purina Dog Food was announced as the new corporate sponsor of the Calgary Stampede.