I always use Pure Green Coffee Bean weight loss capsules™ to slim down for my high profile congressional hearings - The Beaverton

I always use Pure Green Coffee Bean weight loss capsules™ to slim down for my high profile congressional hearings


When I was asked to appear in front of a U.S. Senate panel for promoting potentially fraudulent weight loss pills on my show, my first thought was: I’ve got to drop 5 pounds, and fast!

That’s why I took Pure Green Coffee Bean weight loss capsules™ — the MAGIC diet pill that’s great for slimming down before big dates, high school reunions, and highly publicized congressional hearings.

I’ll admit: in the past, I’ve been known to use some pretty flowery, hyperbolic language to endorse products that MAY or may not even WORK. But I’ve turned over a new green coffee bean. So you can trust me, , when I say that Pure Green Coffee Bean weight loss capsules™ are nothing short of the greatest MIRACLE ever produced in the history of mankind.

Simply take four of these FAT-BUSTING pills every day for three weeks before your important investigative hearing or false advertising lawsuit, and those UNWANTED POUNDS will just MELT AWAY! The way Pure Green Coffee Bean weight loss capsules™ work is so SIMPLE you’d have to be an idiot to ask for any clarification.

In fact, I believe in this product so much, I give it to my family whenever they have to testify in front of a U.S. Senate subcommittee, even though there is technically no scientific evidence showing that Pure Green Coffee Bean weight loss capsules™ ARE EFFECTIVE, or even that THEY ARE NON-TOXIC.

But I suppose medicine has always been a leap of faith.

When I was sitting in front that panel, I had the confidence to field all of their probing questions about how I mislead consumers by touting bogus weight loss products knowing that I had a LEAN, TRIM FIGURE. And for that, I have to thank Pure Green Coffee Bean weight loss capsules™.

Believe me, I learned a valuable lesson from all this. I realize now that as a celebrity physician, I wield a tremendous amount of influence over the public’s medical and scientific beliefs, and must use that power with the utmost care and responsibility.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go apply my Vegan 100% Natural Hyaluronic Acid Anti-Aging Serum™ — the only anti-aging serum I use to REMOVE FACIAL LINES AND WRINKLES caused by stressful U.S. Senate hearings.