NEWARK — After being snubbed by the Best Western International® Awards Committee for the fourth consecutive year, the staff at a local Best Western feared it may never recapture the fleeting glory of its 2010 Champion Customer Care Award.
“Being recognized for demonstrating the highest level of customer service in support of the Best Western brand was a shining moment in this hotel franchise’s history,” said Guest Services manager Doug Spoonerow, admiring the framed certificate proudly displayed in the hotel lobby between the vending machine and the other vending machine.
“To think that we may never again be acknowledged for our superior guest satisfaction is, quite frankly, terrifying,” Spoonerow added.
This was not the first prize to be awarded to the acclaimed Best Western franchise. In 2008, it was awarded the Ethel B. Millman Award for Outstanding Excellence in Hospitality, and in 2006, Continental Breakfast Magazine gave the hotel’s restaurant a rating of 4-and-a-half danishes.
Apparently the hotel recently received a 4 Green Keys eco-rating for their environmentally friendly performance, but according to Spoonerow it’s just “one of those bullshit awards they give to everyone.”