MONTREAL – Recently opened hipster cafe “The Twig” is making a name for itself by serving “nostalgic” instant coffee complete with white refined sugar and powdered coffee creamer.
In an interview, owner of the cafe Derek Scott spoke about the concept of the cafe: “Everyone these days has the gourmet, fair-trade beans with the vintage espresso machine — we’re trying to do something different. We’re going for, like, a mid-80s office break room type feel.”
A regular cup of coffee goes for $8.00 and there are Commodore 64s with MS-DOS available for use in the back, but there is a waiting list.
“Business is booming and the overhead is like, basically nothing” a boasting Scott said about the cafe’s success thus far. “Everyone’s really getting into the atmosphere too. People come dressed in large-framed glasses, Casio watches and business shirts.”
According to sources, patrons were saying that the place was okay but you probably wouldn’t like it.