LAS VEGAS – While vacationing with family in Las Vegas earlier this week, interim Liberal leader Bob Rae appeared on the History Channel’s Pawn Stars to sell the Liberal Party of Canada.
The Las Vegas pawn shop, Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, featured on the network’s popular program, is well-known for buying a range of rare historical items, antiques, pop culture memorabilia, as well as other valuable and obscure collectibles.
Claiming it was a treasured piece of Canadian history, Bob Rae explained his decision to sell the Federal Liberal party.
“Ever since it’s come to my possession, I realized that there’s really nothing I can do with it anymore. The Liberal Party is just sitting in my basement collecting dust, and now I really want to make space for my new indoor hot tub.”
Rick Harrison, owner of the Gold & Silver pawn shop, was intrigued by Rae’s offer to sell the longstanding Canadian political party.
“I don’t know much about Canadian politics,” Harrison explained. “When Bob brought in The Liberal party, I thought it looked a bit worn out and beat-up. I don’t even think it works anymore. But at the right price I’m sure I can fix it up, or at least make it look nice and find a buyer.”
Rae initially asked for $500 for the party. Harrison counter-offered with $65.
After much deliberation, Rae accepted a final offer of $85 and a bronze bust of famed singer Liberace.
“I’m happy with the final deal,” Rae explained. “And this Liberace bust will look great on top of my liquor cabinet.”
“I just hope I can sell this party quickly,” Harrison said. “I bought the Bloc Quebecois party last month, and unfortunately, it’s still just sitting on my shelf.”